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Salt Lane Car Park

Disclaimer: Kindly visit the website for most up to date information/timings & prices.

Payment information No cash payment option. Payment is by credit/debit card or via the Glide app.

Opening times Open 24 Hours

Charges Apply Charges apply everyday except Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. No Charges for Blue Badge Holders


Monday to Saturday

(8am to 6pm)Up to 1 Hour £2.00
1 to 2 Hours £3.00
2 to 3 Hours £4.00
3 to 4 hours £5.00
4 to 5 hours £6.00
5 to 6 hours £7.00
Over 6 Hours* £8.00

*up to 7:59 the following day

Evening (6pm to 8am)£1.00 per visit

Sunday (8am to 6pm)£1.00 per visit

Address Salt Lane (entrance via Little Park Street)

Postcode CV1 2GX

Parking type Long stay

Disabled spaces 24 internal bays. (Use Salt Lane main entrance).

7 external on the ground floor; For use by modified / high sided disabled vehicles (Use Greyfriars Lane entrance)

Disabled Badge Holders – Please use the buzzer on exit to give details of your blue badge

Electric Charging Bays 18 electric charging points on levels 0 – 5

Height restrictions 2.1 m

Weekly ticket http://www.coventry.gov.uk/carparklocations

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